Welcome to Liberty Counselling
& Psychotherapy Service.
Seeking counselling is a very
personal choice for very personal reasons and
we at Liberty
respect the
courage that it
takes to make that first call and the
commitment involved in our work
together towards well-being.
To make an appointment, or for
further information, please telephone
Counselling & Psychotherapy Service at 087 7677398.
If we are unable to take
call, please leave your name, number and, if you are
comfortable, a
brief message and one of us will return
your call as soon as possible.
All consultations and sessions
are by appointment.
At Liberty
Counselling & Psychotherapy Service we also provide a low cost
counselling service.
As places are limited, please let
us know if this is your requirement during initial contact.
email: contact[at]libertycounselling.com